Friday, 23 January 2015

Old stuff

 I just found this old 'note' I wrote myself thought it would make for an interesting blog post about life this week.

Nov 20th, 2012

Sitting here in red lake, at work, I'm thinking about the future, I'm actually kind of nervous about it!  I just applied for school last week, a very competitive program at red river, also my job ends in a couple weeks, and have yet to know if I have one in winnipeg.

Being an ENTP, I look at the potential success, vs the potential failure, and have always taken the easy road.  Yesterday, Patrick told me he could see me going into anything, and succeeding, he could see me going into advertising; he concluded with saying that he could see me doing a whole bunch of different things.  Of course this put a smile on my face!!

I'm nervous about the portfolio, the interview, and most of all, getting into the program... Succeeding will be a new challenge of it's own, being in school for two years will be insane, changing of spending habits, striving for something instead of just coasting, savoring my time off, and probably not working a whole lot!

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