I found one, The Blue Note Jazz Club on West Third. The doorman was wearing a tuxedo. I didn't really feel like going to jazzed up jazz club at that point. Right across the street, there was a dingy looking bar—the 3 Sheets Saloon. I went in to talk with the bouncer about different clubs in the area. He gave me the lowdown. I stuck around for a beer. I met some interesting folk from Jersey. I paid $7 for my first beer, a nice IPA. For a dollar, you could have a pint of one of the most boring beers—Budweiser, Bud Light, etc.. They also had Michelob Light, which was surprisingly decent.
When the Jersians left, I met a threesome from South Africa. Chris was completing his doctoral residency in town. His friends were visiting while on an extended trip through the US. We spent a lot of singles over their stories. They were heading to work at an Aspen sky resort next.
After we split up, I caught the
3 Sheets Saloon is part of a group of hilariously named bars:
- The 13th step
- Off the Wagon
- The Gin Mill
- The Stumble Inn
- Hair of the Dog
- Down the Hatch
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